Do the students sleep over during the contact bootcamps?
No, the contact bootcamps are hosted during the day. Parents are required to provide transportation to and from the venue for the students.
What is the difference between the contact bootcamp and the online bootcamp?
The contact bootcamps are hosted only during school holidays and require students to commit themselves to the full day program over a period of 5 days. These are more comprehensive and allow students to interact with each other and guest speakers in person.
Digital bootcamps are conducted over WhatsApp and video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Blue Jeans. These are hosted seasonally based on demand and only require 2 hours commitment daily over a period of 5 days.
How many students are in a class?
Each class has a maximum of 25 students. The cohort however, may consist of more than 1 class.
Who else will students interact with at these bootcamps?
Students will interact with fellow classmates, facilitators, guest speakers and guest judges represented by industry professionals and guest panelists who assist with activities and fireside chats.
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